Fill your freezer with special offerings from The Conscious Carnivore.

We offer whole, half, or quarter animals.

Below you’ll find details and links to our ordering forms and video tutorials on how to order and select the cuts of meat you desire. Simply fill out the online form and we’ll then call and confirm your order. All custom orders require a $100 deposit

Give us a call (608-709-1418) or stop in if you need more information. We do not accept bulk custom orders November 15th through January 15th.

  • Beef:

    • Ordered by the Hindquarter or Forequarter

    • Each quarter is approximately 180-210 pounds hanging weight, cost is $5.85 per pound of the hanging weight

    • 2-4 week lead time

    • Forequarter includes Bones

    • Hindquarter includes Bones, Flank & Tri Tip

  • Hogs:

    • Whole weighs approximately 180 pounds, Total cost $750

    • Half weighs approximately 90 pounds, Total cost $375

    • Two week lead time

    • Spare ribs included are left whole

    • Ground Pork: 1/2 hog = 8-9# Whole Hog = 16-18#

  • Lamb:

    • Weighs approximately 40 pounds, Total cost $500

    • 2 to 4 week lead time

    • Whole Lamb includes Neck Roast, Heart & Liver


Custom Sausage orders available in 5# batches. If youre looking for a favorite we don’t have at the moment we can make a batch for you.

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